How can I become a shareholder in WALLIX GROUP?
To buy shares, you can contact your usual financial intermediary: e.g. your bank or asset manager. You can also place an order directly with a broker on line after opening an account. WALLIX GROUP’ shares are listed on the ALTERNEXT market of Paris and the ISIN code is FR0010131409 – ALLIX.
Where do I register to receive regular information?
You can receive regular financial information free of charge by e-mail by registering here.
What is the date of the next Annual General Meeting?
All the information about the next Shareholders’ Meeting can be found on our website, in the “Shareholders’ Meeting” section.
How do I take part in the Annual General Meeting?
Any shareholder, whatever number of shares he or she owns, can attend the Shareholders’ Meeting or be represented there by his spouse or another shareholder. In order to attend the meetings or be represented there, shareholders must prove their share ownership in book entry form no later than three days prior to the date of the Shareholders’ Meeting.
A postal voting form is sent to every shareholder, upon written request to the Company by registered letter with an acknowledgement of receipt. Such request must be received no later than six days prior to the date of the Shareholders’ Meeting. The duly completed form must be received by the Company’s registered office no later than three business days prior to the date of the Shareholders’ Meeting, it being specified that it is possible for these Meetings to accommodate voting by correspondence or written questions to the Company.
Any shareholder having voted by correspondence will no longer be able to directly attend the meeting or be represented by proxy.
What is the difference between bearer shares and registered shares?
Are WALLIX GROUP shares eligible for PEA-PME savings plans?
WALLIX GROUP confirms it meets the eligibility criteria for inclusion in an “SME Equity Savings Plan” or “SME PEA”, as specified in the application decree dated 4 March 2014 (decree no. 2014-283). Consequently, WALLIX GROUP shares can be included in both traditional Equity Savings Plans (PEAs) and SME PEAs, which benefit from the same tax advantages as standard PEAs.
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